Sunday, March 9, 2008

My 2 fave movies^^

One of my favorite movies has got to be Harry Potter, I mean, come on! Harry Potter is a best-selling book and it's also a great movie that bagged millions and millions of cash on the first screening. The movie is epic, full of action, a pinch of comedy, horror, suspense, romance (though not to it's full extent) but most of all, magic. Enter and behold the magical world and venture into the realms of Harry Potter, where the magic will always last.
Now, my other favorite movie is an anime movie. It's title? Spirited Away. Although most may not know of this movie, it is a movie about a little girl called Chihirou (or Chichirou) who moves to another house with her parents. In that mysterious far-off place she gets a weird feeling that it's not like all other places, thinking it's full of unexpected uncertainties. All her thought turned out true, the place is actually the dwellings of 'kamis' or 'gods' that the religion Shintoism or Taoism worship. Chihirou's parents anger the 'kami' and turn into pigs after feasting on their delectable, glazed, delicious, mouth-watering food. Now, Chihirou is set out to get her parents back to their true form by being with the 'kami' and battling against Yubaba, the witch. A story about life, love, valor, magic, suspense and fantasy, this movie is the best for children and grown-ups alike who enjoy these genres in movies.


frantian® said...

book worm ka?


nice. nice.