Friday, March 21, 2008

The things I've learned this school year

The things that I've learned this school year 2007-2008 in the field of Practical Arts are these: HTML, Dev C ++, Handicrafts, and blogging. In HTML, I learned a great deal on how to make websites, my own website so to speak. I love HTML it's fun and I can do whatever I want ^^ that's the fun part^^. Then there came Dev C++, I thought it was hard at first, but yes, that theory was therefore proven and it was absolutely true^^ (Why am I celebrating about this?) I got the hang of it and managed but I didn't like it, I wanted it to end and fast! After the horror, came handicraft, I never did like making handicrafts because it was so tiring to do. But, I found it fun and cool, so, I was able to do it^^ Then came blogging, I was so excited about this! I loved anything involving computer^^ So blogging was the best^^ Well, I guess that is pretty much everything I learned. What? Values that I learned? Here's a negative one: procrastination. The thing I keep on doing over and over and over again. Here's a positive one: determination, Yeouch! How did two very opposite values come together? (Beats me, I dunno)(Oh, who asked you?!) Please don't mind me talking to myself, so anyway, if you're determined at achieving something, then no problem , you got your goal set before ya! Well, I end that report here. Ja ne~~ (See you~~)

Monday, March 10, 2008

FaMiLy DaY

Family day...February 24, 2008. This day was a one-day ticket to family bonding. Yes, it was fun, but for some, they found last year's Family Day much more enjoyable(me included). This point was because of the lack of food stalls, lack of games and the fact that the canteen was closed. But what was really getting the students was the cool prizes from the draw. Consolation prizes were Php 300 load from Smart. 3rd prize was an mp3 player. 2nd prize was a digital camera, but let's not forget the most wanted prize that most students drooled over...the first prize... A PSP(Playstation Portable) Slim with ALL the accessories included. (Though I didn't want the prize because I already had one) Whoever won that prize was the luckiest ever. Why? He paid Php 75 just for that! And he or she won something worth more than Php 14,000! Why Php 75? That's the ticket price for the draw. Now the games, the games technically, fun but er... there were less games. They were all fun but they were I think less games compared to last year's. So far, this family day was ok but most the students were really expecting more.


Valentines, the day of hearts, a day for couples, a day for love. But actually, this so called 'Valentine's Day' is the feast day for Saint Valentine. There is a concept of love in this day because Saint Valentine had a history of someone he really and truly loved. So when he died it was remembered as a day of love for everyone. But Valentines Day isn't only for lovers, it's also for people to show their love to whom they love other than their boyfriends or girlfriends, they can also show their love to their friends and family.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

My 2 fave movies^^

One of my favorite movies has got to be Harry Potter, I mean, come on! Harry Potter is a best-selling book and it's also a great movie that bagged millions and millions of cash on the first screening. The movie is epic, full of action, a pinch of comedy, horror, suspense, romance (though not to it's full extent) but most of all, magic. Enter and behold the magical world and venture into the realms of Harry Potter, where the magic will always last.
Now, my other favorite movie is an anime movie. It's title? Spirited Away. Although most may not know of this movie, it is a movie about a little girl called Chihirou (or Chichirou) who moves to another house with her parents. In that mysterious far-off place she gets a weird feeling that it's not like all other places, thinking it's full of unexpected uncertainties. All her thought turned out true, the place is actually the dwellings of 'kamis' or 'gods' that the religion Shintoism or Taoism worship. Chihirou's parents anger the 'kami' and turn into pigs after feasting on their delectable, glazed, delicious, mouth-watering food. Now, Chihirou is set out to get her parents back to their true form by being with the 'kami' and battling against Yubaba, the witch. A story about life, love, valor, magic, suspense and fantasy, this movie is the best for children and grown-ups alike who enjoy these genres in movies.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Hikari minna(Light Everyone)

The crumbling booming sound of despair when we fall down
Gets them all choked up
Makes them all feel worthless...
They fall into nothingness,
The endless flowing dark abyss of failure swallows them...
Can't they see the light that shines faintly?
This light will grow tremendously immense, if only they could stretch their arms out for it
Engulfed in darkness...but then, bathed in warm light.
Yes, reach out to it, seize it and embrace it.
Hope will always come after all that despair.
The light will always shine after all those days of darkness.
A rainbow will always come after that heavy rain.
Hope will bring a miracle.
We must only remember: Don't close Pandora's box
There has to be hope
In the end....